Reassigning Contacts

Become a team admin

Only Team admins are able to reassign contacts to a new agent. As pre-requisites, you'll need to make sure that:

  1. Your account is part of a team on FirstList.
  2. You are granted admin priviledges within your team.

Reassign a contact

If you're a team member with admin priviledges, it's easy to reassign a contact to a new agent.

  1. Log in to FirstList.
  2. Click Contacts in the sidebar navigation.
  3. Click to select the contact you will reassign.
  4. Click Reassign contact to open a modal window.
  5. Select the contact from the drop-down menu.
  6. (optional) Check the box to notify the contact, and we'll send them an email update.
  7. Click Reassign.

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