Listing Types

All listings added to FirstList are either restricted for sharing, or unrestricted.

Restricted listings

Restricted listings will not be shared broadly on the FirstList platform due to the Realtor Cooperation Policy. They will only be shared within your brokeage and made available for 1-to-1 sharing with agents outside of your brokerage.

Restricted listings are:

  • Shared only with every member of your brokerage that is on FirstList and in your working area.
  • Shared only with the clients and Contacts (potential clients) of these brokerage agents.
  • Made available for 1-to-1 sharing with agents outside of brokerage.

Examples of restricted listings:

  • Residential listings are not intended for and MLS.
  • Residential listings are more than 72 hours away from being listed on the MLS.

Unrestricted listings

Unrestricted listings will be shared broadly on the FirstList platform. They will be made available to all agents in your working area.

Unrestricted listings are:

  • Shared with every agent in the FirstList platform in your working area + 50 km.
  • Shared with the clients and Contacts (potential clients) of those agents.


  • Coming soon listings within 72 hours of MLS listing date.
  • New construction in multi-unit developments (exempt from RCP).
  • Multi-unit residential with 4 or more units (commercial).
Listings cateagories when you create a listing on FirstList.
Listing type
Residential multi-unit (4+)
New construction in development project)
No MLS date plannedMLS date planned more than 3 days awayMLS date planned in less than 3 days
RestrictedBefore 72 hour period: Restricted
Within 72 hour period: Unrestricted*

*This change will be automatically made by the FirstList system

Listing Tags

In addition to being restricted or unrestricted, listings receive a special tag to help classify them.

One of the following tags will appear on each listing:

  • Exclusive listing tag – Exclusive listings are not are not scheduled to be posted on MLS on MLS within 3 days.
  • Coming Soon listing tag – Coming Soon listings are scheduled to be listed on MLS within 3 days.
  • Assignmentlisting tag – All Assignment properties will receive this as the primary tag.

For example:

A property listing with a tag reading Exclusive

Non-CREA agents

By default, FirstList is configured for CREA REALTORS®. If you are a real estate agent who is not a member of CREA, you should update your setting:

  1. Log in to FirstList.
  2. Click Settings in the sidebar menu.
  3. Scroll down to the Agent information card.
  4. Deselect “I am a member of the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA)”.
  5. Click Update.

As a non-CREA agent, all property listings that you add to FirstList will be unrestricted, and made available to all FirstList users, as well as their clients and Contacts.

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